Swollen Nasal Tissue
Swollen Nasal Tissue
Advil Cold & Sinus 20s
Advil Cold & Sinus is a powerful, non-drowsy relief for tough cold and sinus symptoms. Sinus congestion can also be associated with the swelling of the tissues in the nose known as inflammation. The result is a shrinking of your...
AED. 15.00
Panadol Sinus, 24 Caplets
Panadol Sinus Caplets provide relief from Sinus pain and Congestion. Panadol Sinus caplets can be used for the relief of: Sinus Pain Nasal congestion Headache composition paracetamol = 500 mg pseudoephedrine hydrochloride=30 mg pack 24 tabs how to use panadol...
AED. 13.50
Maxiclear Tablets for Hayfever and Sinus Relief 30s
Для временного облегчения заложенности носа и придаточных пазух, лечит симптомы сенная лихорадка Чихание заложенность носа насморк зудящие глаза слезящиеся глаза Компоненты Фенилэфрина гидрохлорид 10 мг и лоратадин 2,5 мг. Пакет 30 таблеток в упаковке. Как использовать Взрослые и дети старше...
AED. 22.00
Tonimer Nasal Gel For Nasal Dryness
Nose gel with marine substances and moisturizing, protective, and decongestant properties for dryness and inflammation of the nasal mucosa. Suitable to be used during colds, postoperative hydration and after local surgical interventions, nasal fissures, and chronic dryness. Allergic rhinitis and...
AED. 38.00