Maxigesic Tablets Pain Killer 32s
Maxigesic provides double-action pain relief is proven in dental studies to reduce pain levels by at least 32% more than either paracetamol or ibuprofen alone. Maxigesic reduces fever and provides temporary relief of pain associated with a headache, migraine headache,...
AED. 25.50
Panadol Actifast, 20 Tablets
Panadol Actifast is absorbed twice as fast as regular Panadol tablets, helping you to get back to the things you enjoy, more quickly.When you want fast pain relief from headaches and toothaches choose Panadol Actifast. Like other Panadol tablets, Panadol...
AED. 13.50
Panadol Susp 120 mg/5 ml
Panadol baby & infant suspension (3 months-5 years) provides effective temporary relief from the pain and fever associated with: toothache sore throat childhood infections immunization teething Composition Each 5 ml Contains 120 mg Paracetamol Pack 100 ml How To Use...
AED. 15.00
Panadol Advance 96 tablets
Panadol Advance is an advanced formulation of paracetamol that contains Optizorb. Unlike some pain relievers that can sit in your stomach, Panadol Advance starts to release its medicine in as little as 5 minutes – and still has the safety...
AED. 43.00
Panadol Advance 24 tablets
Panadol Advance is an advanced formulation of paracetamol that contains Optizorb. Unlike some pain relievers that can sit in your stomach, Panadol Advance starts to release its medicine in as little as 5 minutes – and still has the safety...
AED. 13.00
Panadol Extra With Optizorb, 72 Tablets
Panadol Extra with Optizorb is ideal for those who want the benefits of Panadol, plus a little more pain-relieving effect on tough pain.The Ingredients in Panadol Extra with Optizorb relieves pain 3 times more effective than standard paracetamol.It also contains...
AED. 41.00
Panadol Elixir (5-12 Years), 100ml
Panadol 5-12 Years Children Elixir обеспечивает эффективное временное облегчение боли и лихорадки у детей в возрасте 5-12 лет. Детский эликсир Панадол (5-12 лет) обеспечивает эффективное временное облегчение боли и лихорадки, связанных с: Прорезывание зубов Больное горло Детские инфекции Иммунизация Зубная...
AED. 15.50
Panadol Extra With Optizorb, 24 Tablets
Panadol Extra with Optizorb is ideal for those who want the benefits of Panadol, plus a little more pain-relieving effect on tough pain.The Ingredients in Panadol Extra with Optizorb relieves pain 3 times more effective than standard paracetamol.It also contains...
AED. 16.50
Panadol Extra With Optizorb, 48 Tablets
Panadol Extra with Optizorb is ideal for those who want the benefits of Panadol, plus a little more pain-relieving effect on tough pain.The Ingredients in Panadol Extra with Optizorb relieve pain 3 times more effectively than standard paracetamol.It also contains...
AED. 31.00
Адол Капли 15мл
Адол Дропс – обезболивающее и жаропонижающее средство для детей грудного возраста. Используется для облегчения легкой и умеренной боли, включая боль при прорезывании зубов, снижения температуры и облегчения дискомфорта, который может возникнуть при инфекциях, особенно в случае простуды и гриппа. Компоненты...
AED. 7.00
Адол свечи 250мг 10шт.
При слабых и умеренных болях различной этиологии (в том числе головной боли, мигрени, зубной боли, невралгии, миалгии, боли при травмах и ожогах). Лихорадка при инфекционно-воспалительных заболеваниях. Компоненты Парацетамол 250мг Пакет Коробка 10 суппозиториев Как использовать Рекомендуемая доза: Принимать по 1...
AED. 7.50
Адол Таблетки 500 мг 48 с.
Таблетки Адол 500 мг эффективно облегчают различные виды боли от легкой до умеренной степени, такие как головная боль, мигрень, боль в спине, ревматические боли, менструальные боли, зубная боль, боль после стоматологических процедур и дискомфорт, сопровождающий простуду, грипп и боль в...
AED. 16.50
Адол таблетки 500мг 96с
Эффективно снимает различные виды боли от легкой до умеренной степени, такие как головная боль, мигрень, боль в спине, ревматические боли, менструальные боли, зубная боль, боль после стоматологических процедур и дискомфорт, который сопровождает простуду, грипп и боль в горле. Эффективно снижает...
AED. 21.50
Adol Extra Tablets 48s
Adol Extra Effectively relieves different types of mild to moderate pain such as headache, migraine, backache, rheumatic aches, period pain, toothache, pain following dental procedures, and discomfort that accompanies cold, flu, and sore throat. Effectively reduces fever that may accompany...
AED. 20.00
Адол сироп 100мл флакон
Сироп Адол – болеутоляющее и жаропонижающее средство для детей. Используется для облегчения легкой и умеренной боли, включая боль при прорезывании зубов, снижения температуры и облегчения дискомфорта, который может возникнуть при инфекциях, особенно в случае простуды и гриппа. Компоненты Парацетамол 120...
AED. 10.50
Адвил 200 мг таблетки 50 шт.
Сделайте боль далеким воспоминанием. Адвил® является обезболивающим средством №1, обеспечивающим безопасное и эффективное обезболивание уже более 30 лет. Итак, независимо от того, болит ли у вас головная боль, мышечная боль, боль в спине, менструальная боль, небольшой артрит и другие боли...
AED. 19.50
Panalife 120mg/5mL Syrup
Panalife 120mg/5mL Syrup is indicated for the treatment of mild to moderate pain and as an anti-pyretic in children. It is used for the relief of pain and feverishness associated with teething, toothache, headache, colds, flu and post-immunization pyrexia. Composition...
AED. 9.25
Panalife 500mg
Panalife 500mg belongs to the Nonsteroidal Anti-inflammatory Drugs class of medicines. Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, also called NSAIDs, help reduce fever, decrease pain, and prevent clotting of blood. NSAIDs also reduce inflammation in the body when used in higher doses. Pack...
AED. 6.75
Адвил 200мг Ибупруфен Ликигель 32с
Get fast liquid relief, right where you need it most. Advil® Liqui-Gels® are faster and stronger on tough pain. Provide powerful relief of headaches, backaches, muscle aches, menstrual pain, minor arthritis and other joint pain, and aches & pains of...
AED. 22.50
Maxigesic Tablets 16S
Maxigesic provides double-action pain relief. Maxigesic is proven in dental studies to reduce pain levels by at least 32% more than either paracetamol or ibuprofen alone. Maxigesic reduces fever and provides temporary relief of pain associated with a headache, migraine...
AED. 15.00
Itami Pain Patches 10s
Itami is a self-adhesive medicated patch (10x14 cm) containing 140mg Diclofenac Sodium which is a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug. - What are Itami patches used for? Itami patches have analgesic & anti-inflammatory effect & used as a topical treatment (applied on...
AED. 87.50
Kids 0-9 Teething Syrup 25 ml
Kids 0-9 Teething Syrup is to soothe and naturally relieve your child's teething pain so that they spend the least amount of time in pain in order for them to get more comfortable sleep. Most of a baby's first teeth...
AED. 60.00
Kids 0-9 Pain & Fever Syrup 25 ml
Kids 0-9 Pain & Fever Syrup 25 ml is a homeopathic medicine to help reduce the fever and relieve pain.It's composed of natural homeopathic ingredients, with a good taste of cherry.It helps to relieve:- Sore throat- Headaches- Toothaches- SorenessOur Oral...
AED. 60.00
Capsidol Cream 100gm
Capsidol Cream is specifically formulated for kind of pain that is initiated or caused by a primary lesion or dysfunction in the nervous system e.g. Neuropathic Diabetic pain (numbness, tingling & burning unpleasant sensation) Muscle pain or joint pain caused...
AED. 38.00
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