5% Off
LR Velpeau 34485 Manus Poignet T1 Right Taupe
Bandage with half-moon silicone insert and removable whalebone for the wrist. activated osteoarthritis or arthritis of the wrist following trauma after moderately severe to severe distortions (sprain) tendonitis in the hand, tendovaginitis (tendonitis of the wrist) in case of instability...
AED. 244.00 AED. 231.80
5% Off
LR Velpeau 34036 Epi Coudiere T3 Taupe
Bandage with silicone inserts and stabilization strap for the elbow. Treatment of acute or chronic pain in the event of functional failures following a misplaced load or an overload of the extensor and flexor muscles of the forearm with tendon...
AED. 215.00 AED. 204.25
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